10 Different Ways To Say “I’m Glad To Hear That”

“I’m glad to hear that” is a colloquial expression conveying joy or approval in response to positive news. It’s an informal way to show happiness about what’s been shared.

This phrase is friendly and encouraging, letting the speaker know their words are appreciated.

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Another Way To Say “I’m Glad To Hear That”

  • That’s music to my ears
  • I’m pleased as a punch to hear that
  • That brings a smile to my face
  • That’s fantastic!
  • I’m overjoyed to hear that
  • How delightful!
  • That’s such a relief to hear
  • That’s made my day!
  • I’m delighted to hear that
  • I’m overjoyed to hear that

1. That’s Music To My Ears

The term “That’s music to my ears” means joy or contentment after hearing something enjoyable. It’s similar to saying that the information or sound being heard is pleasing.

Imagine hearing your favorite song or receiving good news, this word gives a summary of the positive emotions produced by such experiences.

This is an expression mostly heard in casual conversations be it among friends, family, or even colleagues in comfortable surroundings. You wouldn’t typically use it in formal or professional situations, where more respectful language is expected.

It’s more about expressing personal satisfaction or approval rather than sticking to strict language conventions. The adaptability of “That’s music to my ears” allows its use in a sort of scenario where joy is expressed.

For example, suppose a friend sharing exciting news about an upcoming event or an unexpected turn of events at work.

In both cases, responding with “That’s music to my ears!” communicates your delight and appreciation for the shared information.

It’s a way to recognize the positivity of the situation and express your happiness in response. Here’s an example of how you can use the word when writing an email:

Hi Dare,

I wanted to share some fantastic news regarding our project. After reviewing the latest update, I’m thrilled to report that we’re ahead of schedule! The team’s hard work and dedication are truly paying off, and I couldn’t be happier with our progress. This kind of news is music to my ears!

Best regards, Yomi

2. I’m Pleased As a punch to hear that

“I’m pleased as punch to hear that” has a feeling of deep satisfaction on receiving positive news or information. “Pleased as punch” is an idiom originating from the 1800s, showing extreme pleasure.

The term “punch” refers to the traditional British puppet show character, Mr. Punch, who gives out emotional delight in his playful antics.

Thus, when someone says, “I’m pleased as punch,” they express happiness similar to the character’s spirit. “To hear that” simply underscores the cause of delight, indicating the source of the pleasing information.

This phrase finds its place in different conversational cases to express honest happiness.  For example, After learning of a friend’s engagement, you can exclaim, “I’m pleased as punch to hear that!”

Likewise, when someone shares news of overcoming a challenge, responding with this term conveys heartfelt congratulations. You can also use this phrase In an email like this:

Hey Kunle,

Congratulations! I heard about your recent success, and I just had to tell you, I’m pleased as punch for you! Your hard work and dedication truly shine through. Let’s catch up soon and celebrate together.

Warm regards, Bode

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3. That brings a smile to my face

This phrase symbolizes happiness triggered by something pleasant. “That warms my heart” could be a synonym of this phrase.

Both phrases grasp the emotional response to something uplifting, It could be a kind gesture, a touching story, or a moment of shared laughter.

They signify a natural, heartfelt reaction, emphasizing the positive impact of the experience on one’s emotions.

While “That brings a smile to my face” is more direct, “That warms my heart” Infuses sentimentality, producing a comforting feeling.

The term is Informal and It’s used in everyday conversations between friends, family, or acquaintances to express happiness or appreciation.

It’s acceptable in most typical situations, but it may not be the best choice for formal or professional backgrounds.

In such contexts, a more refined expression like “I’m delighted to hear that” or “It’s heartening to learn” would be more appropriate.

You can use this synonym to express joy, gratitude, or appreciation In different cases.

If a friend tells you about a heartwarming act of kindness they witnessed, you could respond with, “That brings a smile to my face.”

Again, when reflecting on fond memories saying, “Thinking about those times always brings a smile to my face” captures the sentiment perfectly. Even In an email:

Hey Cross,

I just heard about the amazing community service project you’re involved in, and it truly brings a smile to my face! Your dedication to making a positive impact is inspiring. Keep up the fantastic work!

Warm regards, Kate

4. That’s Fantastic!

You can use “That’s fantastic!” to express excitement, admiration, or support when a friend shares exciting news like getting accepted into their dream school or landing a new job, responding with “That’s fantastic!” shows genuine happiness and support.

Also, if someone tells you about their recent achievements or accomplishments, expressing enthusiasm with this phrase reinforces your encouragement and appreciation for their efforts.

Example of how you can use this word In a sentence: “After watching my sister’s dance recital, I couldn’t help but tell her, “That’s fantastic!” Her performance was truly amazing, and I wanted to express how impressed I was.”

In this illustration, “That’s fantastic!” is used to convey honest admiration for the sister’s dance recital. It’s a friendly and expressive way to acknowledge her talent and effort.

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5. I’m Overjoyed To Hear That

This word goes beyond mere satisfaction or pleasure; it conveys a deep response to something truly wonderful. The use of “overjoyed” boosts the intensity of the emotion.

However, the phrase “I’m overjoyed to hear that” is best suited for situations where expressing sincere excitement is appropriate.

It’s especially fit for conversations among close friends, family members, or individuals with whom you share a strong emotional bond.

Nevertheless, it may be considered overly dramatic or insincere in more formal or professional environments.

Therefore, it’s important to consider the tone, audience, and context before using this expression to ensure it aligns with the nature of the conversation.

You can use this word when a friend announces their engagement, responding with “I’m overjoyed to hear that” conveys genuine happiness for their joyous news.

Also, soon after hearing that a family member has achieved a significant milestone, such as graduating from college, expressing, “I’m overjoyed to hear that” communicates heartfelt pride.

You can also use this expression when writing an email like this:

Hi Temi,

I am truly overjoyed to hear that you’ve been promoted. This is a well-deserved recognition of your talents and efforts.

Warm regards, Mo

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